Staying in foreign countries for several weeks at a time helps the young people to get to know and understand different cultures, to overcome prejudices and to reflect on their own culture. They learn how to deal with cultural differences, are able to apply and consolidate their foreign language skills and build up international friendships.
The contents of the stays on shore reflect the characteristics of each country. The students explore the country in terms of geography, flora and fauna, history and politics, culture, language and population. Language courses, stays in host families as well as in boarding schools, biological research, visits to the host countries‘ sites of interest and expeditions on foot or bike help to make contact with the inhabitants, their culture and the natural surroundings.
During stays on shore organisational tasks are handed over to the students. This didactic element is a complement to the ship’s handover. The students assume responsible tasks such as the planning and organisation of the stay. Here, the crew members also take a back seat. By arranging pairs of students that are responsible for the guidance of the group, cross-cultural and professional skills as well as social and personal skills such as autonomy, initiative taking, self-confidence, organisation, team spirit and cooperation are developed and strengthened.